How to keep the bark on the Arbutus from peeling?

I am a weaver in Van., a big part of my motivation comes from nature, thankfully I live across from the ocean and have a wooded park across the street I am blessed with an arbutus tree in my garden and have taken some beautiful pieces I want to integrate into my next weaving. Is there a particular way I can dry the wood to keep the beautiful bark on? The pieces I have have lost their old bark and are presently light green in colour. I would so appreciate any tips you can give me. I await your reply, Marilyn

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Oct 17, 2010
Arbutus bark
by: Arbutus Ron

Hi Marilyn,

The Arbutus bark should be fine on pieces of wood that you are drying as long as it hasn't started to peel yet. It may darken but not peel. What is more likely is that the wood will develop cracks.

You can prevent some of this by sealing the ends with old paint or wax while it dries.

Let me know how you make out with it.


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