Northwest Ridge

by Sarah
(Bishop, California)

We (Sarah, Kerry, and Chris) paddled packrafts in from desolation sound, hiked up the homfray drainage with much bushwhacking, circled back west along the ridge to the col, climbed the NW ridge in about 10 pitches at roughly grade III 5.10, (mostly good steep rock, good pro, fun hand cracks, there are probably easier variations), down the 3rd/4th class south face, and then descended down into the valley just west of denman, down the creek to Daniels river valley where we paddled out to Powell lake. The descent from our camp on the ridge was technical and we ended up rappelling a few times. We had a heinous amount of gear, did a heinous amount of bushwhacking, and went a lot slower than we thought we would, 8 days in all... Initially we had thought to do most of our climbing in the chusan range but we were traveling too slowly and denman just looked too cool. So the NW Ridge goes! What an amazing place.

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Nov 30, 2018
West Face NEW
by: Anonymous

It's not like granite or anything, just so you know....some kind of diorite down low that fades into something up top that almost acts like limestone, maybe some kind of gneiss? I'm not great with rocks. It's a little brittle but generally steep and weathery enough that the choss is manageable. Anything low angle above the diorite is unpleasantly chossy. I think Chris took a couple pictures of the face and might be willing to pass them along to you if you want to shoot me your email. Mine is

Nov 30, 2018
Wooooo! NEW
by: Harvey

That’s great news! Thank you!

Nov 30, 2018
West Face NEW
by: Anonymous

yeah honestly it looks half decent. pretty steep on the SW side. Could be neat.

Nov 22, 2018
West face NEW
by: Harvey Merritt

Have any idea how the rock quality on the west face?

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